Pink Zebra
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I began my journey in January of 2014. The week I joined, I lost my job on Monday and my then 13 year old son fractured his hip on Wednesday so I knew I needed something flexible. I had heard of Pink Zebra at craft and vendor events and loved the product. I kept seeing posts from my sponsor about it and finally joined with the last of my paycheck from my job. I then promptly hid the kit from my husband for an entire month before placing an order for a vendor event I had been invited to. I went to that event with a small order and just my kit and came home with almost no product left but I had a pocket full of $$! My husband's response: "I think you need to do THIS". You see, I had been with other direct sales companies before with limited success and not as much support from him so this was a huge boost!!

Since then, I've grown in my business - promoting to Manager in November of 2016. I consider myself to be a 'turtle' - slow and steady but I get there!!!

I love vendor events and parties!! I love to see people's reaction when they smell our 'Sprinkles' for the first time and then become comfortable mixing them too!!! I owned a wedding and party planning and decorating business prior to coming back to direct sales so events and parties are my 'comfort zone'.

I also have become very skilled at Facebook parties and am always looking for fun ways to do parties and events with our Sprinkles!

I've been married to hubby Kurt for 22 years (on Valentine's Day) and we have 3 mostly grown and adulting children.

If you think you need to live in a big city or urban area to be successful in direct sales, I beg to differ. I live in a tiny town of 236 people. If I can do it, anyone can!! Work hard, dream big and you can make it happen!!


Contact our Corporate Offices

If you have attempted to contact your local Consultant, please feel free to contact the Home Office at 1.855.Pink.Zebra (1.855.746.5932).
Our normal business hours are Monday-Friday 8-5 CST.